

From depression to joy in living

I had slumped into a deep depression, overwhelmed by circumstances that I felt powerless to do anything about. Trying to live my life without God in it, I discovered, was the root cause of most of my problems.

Quieting destructive winds and catastrophic wildfires

In seeking to heal and remedy the suffering of so many owing to wildfires, I’ve sought to understand the laws of God I've learned about through my study of Christian Science and how they are available to quench inflammation and prevent catastrophic wildfires. 

‘The flame shall not hurt thee’

Our home was caught in the center of a massive fire traveling at 100 miles per hour and licking up the homes around us in 15-second intervals. There was nothing I could do but pray to God for safety and protection.

Saved from forest fire

This testimony is given with the hope that some one who reads it may thereby gain courage to stand firm in God's strength in time of need, for there is no power apart from God.

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More than just making it through another day

A few years ago, some months after my husband passed on, our large property, including our home and belongings, was destroyed in one of California’s wildfires. First losing a great companion and lifelong friend, then losing so much in the fire, was overwhelming. Then I remembered that when Jesus healed, he didn’t simply restore people’s old ways and circumstances; lives were made new. 

Healed of depression and grief

y heart is so full of gratitude for the many blessings which Christian Science has brought into my life, that I cannot keep my story of God’s love from where it might reach and possibly help others.

Healed of knee pain

Christian Science teaches that we can challenge the limiting notion of an expected decline of strength and vigor. So when I started experiencing knee pain that made it hard to hike, I knew I could have a complete healing through prayer.

Healed of bee stings

I was in the field behind our house digging out invasive vegetation. Suddenly I started feeling stings all over my body. I had dug into a bees nest. Walking back to the house, while swatting the bees and feeling the stinging increase, I felt a spiritual conviction that I had gained the previous day.