Articles from Christian Science publications

The articles found on this website are just a small sampling taken from two magazines — the Christian Science Sentinel and The Christian Science Journal. Both these publications from The Christian Science Publishing Society include articles, poems, and interviews by students of Christian Science. The articles share victories, insights and ideas about how spirituality can be applied to every day and not-so-every-day life situations.

The Sentinel, published weekly, and Journal, monthly, are available in print and online. They share an online console known as Christian Science JSH Online.

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NOTE: Multi language publications are also available. The Christian Science Herald is published in more than 32 languages. Learn more HERE.

A Collection of Articles


Beyond Racism

"Have we not all one father? hath not one God created us?" (Mal. 2:10). Read how the author's deeper understanding of God as the Father-Mother of all mankind brought healing and peace.

Facing each day without fear

Whatever today may bring, prayer can make it better.

Freedom from addiction to psychiatric medication

One day, I just stopped functioning. I didn’t want to live anymore. I ended up in a lockdown mental ward, where I was given lots of medication daily. I turned to God in prayer and worked my way out of this depression and am completely off any medication.

Healed of sciatica

I suffered from pain down the back of my legs that was diagnosed as sciatica. The doctor said it would be best if I could learn to live with the pain. The diagnosis scared me. I certainly didn’t want to live with the pain! I was a relatively new student of Christian Science, and the next day I decided it was time to get serious about addressing this problem through Christian Science.

Miscarriage averted

I was wrestling with the fear of a miscarriage, and my mother came to help care for me, and the first thing she did was to put a sign on the headboard of my bed that read, “The king’s daughter is all glorious within” (Psalms 45:13).

Healed of multiple sclerosis

Many years ago, I began experiencing symptoms in my legs and feet that made walking difficult. In my study of Christian Science, I had learned that God is the true source of our capabilities, so I leaned on God to enable me to carry on with my duties as a schoolteacher and a mother of young children.