Quieting destructive winds and catastrophic wildfires
In seeking to heal and remedy the suffering of so many owing to wildfires, I’ve sought to understand the laws of God I've learned about through my study of Christian Science and how they are available to quench inflammation and prevent catastrophic wildfires.
‘The flame shall not hurt thee’
Our home was caught in the center of a massive fire traveling at 100 miles per hour and licking up the homes around us in 15-second intervals. There was nothing I could do but pray to God for safety and protection.
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True sense of Christmas brings healing
I had been suffering with what appeared to be symptoms of pneumonia, and I was beginning to feel hopeless—as if I might not last until Christmas morning. I felt very cut off from the joy and expectation of good that Christmas brings. But then I began thinking about the true meaning of Christmas.It’s about God’s precious gift of His Son, Christ Jesus, who was sent to show us—not in the distant future, but right now—God’s unfailing love for us and our unbreakable relationship to divine Love.
Chronic Stomach Pain Healed
Even though I didn't feel worthy of God's healing power, I turned to him in prayer and the resulting permanent healing of stomach pain was an experience I'll never forget. No matter the problem, you, too, can be healed.
Healed of Alzheimer’s disease
I have been healed of so many things by studying and practicing the teachings in that remarkable book, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. I put the following healing of Alzheimer's disease on record, trusting it may help others.
God’s help in the ocean
I was on the verge of panic. I’d never really known what panic was before, but surrounded by ocean, I felt that if I didn’t keep complete control of my thought, I might end up screaming and thrashing in the water. That terrified me more than anything else—the sense that I was about to lose control. I immediately started praying.
Baby healed of withdrawal symptoms
Shortly after our adopted daughter’s birth, she started exhibiting alarming symptoms associated with withdrawal from methadone, and she was moved to NICU. I remembered Christ Jesus loved children and how quickly they responded to his prayers and were healed.
Feeling God’s Love
Sometimes we may encourage another to feel the tender presence and care of God,Love and hear in response, "But I don't feel love." How can we meet this challenge?
Healing of swelling and pain in breast
I have been practicing Christian Science since 2001 and in 2017 I was healed of painful inflammation and swelling in one of my breasts. I immediately called a Christian Science practitioner to help pray for healing. She reassured me about God’s allness and goodness. I felt I was safe in God’s hands.