
The Bible


Healed of multiple sclerosis

Many years ago, I began experiencing symptoms in my legs and feet that made walking difficult. In my study of Christian Science, I had learned that God is the true source of our capabilities, so I leaned on God to enable me to carry on with my duties as a schoolteacher and a mother of young children.

Healed of ruptured eye

My cat had a fresh and alarming wound above his left eye and a red film where his eye should have been. I told my wife that our cat had lost his eye! My wife said our cat was a complete idea of God, and the truth of her calm, peaceful statement washed over me.

Healed of Alzheimer’s disease

I have been healed of so many things by studying and practicing the teachings in that remarkable book, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. I put the following healing of Alzheimer's disease on record, trusting it may help others.

Loosed from the grip of addiction

To the guilt-ridden addict, this is breaking news—that we are, and always have been, precious in God's eyes. I'm no longer pushed around by the tyrants of drugs, alcohol, suicidal thoughts, overeating, and smoking.

Prayers for peace

Prayerful inspiration for peace, love for our neighbor, and joy.