Christian Science Sentinel Watch

These audio podcasts are an excellent addition to one’s weekly supply of thought-provoking ideas. Every Monday contributors tackle topics relevant to daily life and inspiring prayers for the world. Hear from Christian Scientists from many countries and all walks of life, including Christian Science practitioners and teachers, discussing Christian Science and its healing power and answering questions sent in by listeners.

Listen to this week’s program on the CSPS Internet Radio player. Simply click on the red arrow below.

More Sentinel Watch Programs


Can prayer heal my body?

You may believe that prayer can help or heal certain things. But what about a broken bone or something else wrong with your body? On this edition of Sentinel Watch, David Hohle, shares his experiences and insights that show how practical—and healing—prayer really is.

Crushed by a tree on Thursday—back to work next Wednesday

One day when working alone, professional logger Doug Jenkins faced a life-threatening situation. He recently spoke to host Jenny Sawyer about how God can turn even the most dire circumstances around.